How To Taste Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Just as different types of grapes make different wines, different types of olives make distinct types of olive oil. The olives are also impacted by varietal of grapes, weather, soil conditions, and how handled and harvested. Just like wine, no two olive oils are created equal. Tasting olive oils allows you to discover which oils you like best, and which ones you prefer in your favorite recipes, or with your favorite bread or vegetables.

  • Start with the mildest oil.
  • Pour a little olive oil (approximately 1 teaspoon) into a tasting cup. Cover the cup with one hand. Warm oil with your hands until it is close to body temperature by swirling it gently in the cup.
  • Lift the cup to just under your nose and sniff rapidly and deeply three (3) times, raising your nose up and away from the oil between each sniff. Suck air through the oil to coax more aromas out of it, and then close your mouth and breathe out through your nose. Olive oils have aromas just like wine. We then tried to analyze the aroma. There really is a difference in aromas!
  • Take a sip or slurp (approximately 10 drops into mouth). DON’T SWALLOW! Roll the olive oil around in your mouth for approximately 6 seconds and then swallow. The oil should touch all areas of the mouth so that the various tastes and sensations can be noted.
  • Between tasting each kind of olive oil, drink water or eat a small piece of bread to cleanse your palate.
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